Monday 16 October 2017

News Production Unit - Shoot Day (Diwali)

Yesterday we shot for the Diwali Festival which was held at Trafalgar Square in London. Since we were all in different places that day we decided to meet at charing cross station for 2:30pm. We felt this gave us plenty of time to film as we wanted to get shots in the light and the dark to show the events differences as the time went on.

We arrived at Trafalgar Square and found it was exceptionally busy. This made things a little bit difficult with the equipment but we were aware of the people and planned our routes around the location. We met with Varsha who I had emailed previously and she gave us wristbands that allowed us press access to the front of stage. This was vital to our project as it allowed us to get clear footage of the performers on stage without the busy crowd in front of us.

Once we got all the footage we needed of the stage we then moved around the site to get different shots that showed the entirety of the event. We managed to get crowd shots from all different angles and an overview of the stalls and stage. Coverage was our main focus here as I wanted to have many choices when it came to editing cut aways and GV's. We wanted to establish location so we felt that would be great for my pieces to camera. We made sure we set up with the main National Gallery in the background so people could tell it was Trafalgar Square.

When doing my pieces to camera It was hard at first with a lot of people looking at me and the light beaming on my face but I very quickly got used to it and made sure I was project focused.

I felt we had a great day filming and got some great coverage of the event.

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