Thursday 26 October 2017

Fiction Adaptation Unit - Briefing

Today we had a unit briefing by Mike Rymer who is going to be teaching this unit. We looked in this session at what fiction adaptation is overall and why they are done in the first place.

We first off understood that fiction adaption is the written that is translated to visual language. It can be adapted from any media source like a book and then translated as an interpretation to another like films, video games and television dramas. Some examples can be seen below:

Books to films:

The Shining


Bridget Jones's Diary

Games To Films:

Tomb Raider


Resident Evil

There are many reasons why the idea is to adapt sources to screen and I learnt about some of them today. The main reason is that there is already an audience captured. If you take resident evil for an example, the people who have played the original computer game are very likely to go and see the film as it brings nostalgia and curiosity to something they already love. This makes an adaptation proposal very financially stable and a promising start to box office numbers. The same can be said for books and novels with people already being a fan of the work that is being proposed to translate to screen. 

There could be some downfalls to adaptation which are mainly getting the translation right. You want to make sure you are not alienating the audience that is already there and you want to make sure you do the original work justice. 

After we learnt about what adaptation was we then looked at what we was going to be doing individually for this uni. We are going to be researching, planning and producing a short video for transmission that is a work of adaptation from a literary source. This literary source will be a Haiku from the list of 10 we can choose from which will be explained more in a future post. 

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