Friday 27 October 2017

Fiction Adaptation Unit - Chosen Sonnet & Initial Ideas (Treatment)

I have decided to choose the sonnet called Trespass. I looked through the list of the 10 that we could choose from and after reading them through I felt like this sonnet was the one that I could do something with in terms of expressing a deeper meaning to it and adapting it in my own way. The sonnet can be viewed below:

  1. 1. Trespass
    By John Clare

    I dreaded walking where there was no path
    And pressed with cautious tread the meadow swath And always turned to look with wary eye
    And always feared the owner coming by;
    Yet everything about where I had gone
    Appeared so beautiful I ventured on
    And when I gained the road where all are free
    I fancied every stranger frowned at me
    And every kinder look appeared to say
    "You've been on trespass in your walk today."
    I've often thought, the day appeared so fine,
    How beautiful if such a place were mine;
    But, having naught, I never feel alone
    And cannot use another's as my own.

When reading through it I immediately felt it was someone who was walking a path in life that people felt they shouldn't be on and I sensed a great judgement towards the person that this sonnet is talking about. I started to go down the line of jobs that people could have that are frowned upon and was first drawn to the character of a drug dealer/addict. After some thought and consideration I decided to steer away from this as I felt it was very cliche and had been done numerous amounts of times. I still wanted to push the boundaries but go in a different direction. I finally settled on sex work but rather than prostitution I will go down the path of an exotic dancer/lap dancer. I feel this conveys the interpretation of the sonnet well and clearly demonstrates a sense of judgement in the way of the job type and the way its perceived.

I want to create an overall sense of power for the protagonist who feels she is on the right path and feels empowered by the job that she does but has society against her portraying an image of being lost and disgraceful in the world of what we live by and what we feel is accepted. I feel I could get some great imagery with this idea as well with lots of neon signs and glowing colours that could symbolise the rays of light in the bleak time she is in. 

In terms of casting I would like to cast a female who is tall and together with the costume of ripped net tights, thigh high boots and a revealing top. I want this character to be recognisable to people that she is part of the sex industry but I want her to show the emotion that she doesn't care. I want someone who looks strong and would be confident with the roll so I will make sure to pay attention to this when casting.

With locations I feel the Soho area of London would be a great place to shoot this. It fits in well with the story as well as imagery that would relate to the sex industry. I am also thinking about shooting in Amsterdam for a day as this would also establish the narrative well. 

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