Sunday 8 October 2017

News Production Unit - MTV News Research

Since I researched bit about MTV News earlier on I wanted to expand it further researching the company.

Starting in 1980, the music channel ventured into news displaying short items in-between music videos related to popular culture in the United States. Since then it has expanded itself online moving with the digital age and is also broadcasted internationally.

When looking at style, the website adopts a very basic color scheme of black, yellow and white with the logo clearly displayed at the top of the page. All the news stories pop out on the page with quick attention grabbing headlines and pictures to entice viewers to read into the story.

For the Youtube channel, the color scheme is a little bit different but still uses the same style just with a bold blue instead of yellow. The banner stands out across the top of the page with their logo incorporated into it. The words are slightly cut off on the top and the bottom but since it is a very recognizable logo, the audience will still understand what this.

The channel itself has multiple videos uploaded everyday with thousands of subscribers. It is very similar to their written news format but is more elaborated on by their videos. They have studio presenters as well as on location presenters and this is something I would like to adopt into our own project.

When looking at the style of their videos, although they give informative news, it is very light hearted and young feeling. This is defiantly the vid we are going for creating news for young adults. The presenters are in their early twenties to help align with the audience so this is something I will consider when casting.

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