Saturday 7 October 2017

News Production Unit - On Location Filming Research

Since a lot of our project will be filmed on location I wanted to do some research to make sure I was fully prepared before we shot anything.

I looked a website that was produced for the 'Reel Deal Film School' that gave the top 5 tips for filming on location. These were to travel light, Ditch the tripod, have a good kit bag, work with the light and to get the right permissions.

Having looked at this I will take on board to only take the kit we are going to need as the places will probably be crowded, only use the tripod when needed as this can be a hazard, use the kit bags to their full use, take an LED light with us to make sure we have a portable light source and to ensure that all the communicating is done effectively to make sure we have all the right permissions.

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