Wednesday 18 October 2017

News Production Unit - Researching Editing

This unit requires a lot of editing to make sure that I get it exactly how I want it to flow. I decided to go on which showed me some useful information. I always struggle with audio the most so I thought this would be a great area to brush up on. I found some videos that were very useful on using sound dissolves and how to sync up my audio easier. 

I also found a really interesting video that explored more of how the channels work and how i can manipulate the sound to come out of each one. This will help when coming to editing as we have 2 presenters on each side of the screen so I will try to have one more heavily focused through one channel and the other through another to pair better with what the audience are seeing.

Another area I lack in is titles. I found a video on youtube that allowed me to refresh and expand on the basics of doing a title in premiere which will help me when I come to do the edit. 

I next wanted to learn more about keyboard shortcuts that would allow me to edit more quickly and efficiently. There was a great section that I found on adobes official website instructing where the shortcuts are on the keyboard and what each one did. I have also ordered keyboard stickers so I can lay them over my own keyboard to make editing easier. 

All this will help greatly when it comes to editing the project together. 

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