Wednesday 4 October 2017

News Production Unit - Our News Video Style (Research)

As a group we sat down and all discussed the possibilities of where we could go with the style of our news. As we are doing events we all thought the best way to convey it well would be to do it in a light fun way rather than serious.

I began researching into different news channels on Youtube to see how they got across their news stories in this way. The first interesting company that stood out for me was a channel called 'E! News'. This is a very popular channel with 208,000+ subscribers. It has a green screened studio with graphics and conveys news about celebrities. This is a great format that I would love to adopt for our Event Hop. It also has the use of split screens and is edited into short and snappy items to give viewers bite sized information over youtube.

Although this was a good start a came across another channel that I felt would reflect us brilliantly. This was MTV NEWS. The videos are exactly how I would like ours to be formatted. It hits our target audience and is light hearted and fun to create an element of interest that would allow people to keep coming back. The graphics were the same throughout and it had a nice flow to it creating fun news. 

When looking off of Youtube I started to look at magazine style news shows on television. I felt our project could resemble the hit BBC One programme called 'The One Show'. It has great topical items and presenters on location as well as in the studio. I feel if we could incorporate the elements of 'The One Show' that is more formatted to a Youtube channel then this would be a great style to adopt for our project. 

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