Monday 9 April 2018

Transitions Unit - Location Recce

In order to prepare for the shoot we all decided to take a day looking at locations. This was important for me as I could begin to visualise where we were going to shoot and what type of shots I could get in different places.

Since the majority of the video was quite rural, we first had a look at a field in a place called Other. The field is large and secluded with a picturesque view of a track and church in the background. Since one of the scenes would be set at a church, we felt that this would work perfectly with what I am looking to achieve. You can view some photos I took below:

Otham Field

The next location we looked at was a park called 'The White Horse Wood Country Park'. This was again rural but had a different look to Otham. The best thing about this location was the view. It had a nice open space and was on top of the North Downs so you could see for miles over Maidstone. This really appeals to me and the sort of shots I would like to get but I also like the look of the location before so I would like to mix the two together. You can see a picture of it below:

White Horse Wood Country Park

I am very happy with these locations and if the project gets the green light at the pitch I will ensure to source permissions for these places. 

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