Tuesday 17 April 2018

As Live Production Unit - Production Meeting Six: Final meeting

Today we had our final meeting with Jo, Simon and the team to discuss last minute updates before we transmission in 2 days time. We first discussed about the VT's as the department assured that all VT's were cut and ready to go. There is only one change and that is with the VT teaser as the font still needs to be changed for that. All the promo team is up to date and complete with the titles finished and all cut together with the new footage.

We then discussed the running order for the next couple of days. The set is being picked up later today by Ferg and is going to be brought over to the studios from rochester. Tomorrow the set design team will be over early morning and will begin constructing the set pieces together hopefully finished by 11am so we can rehearse for the rest of the day with the set. The lighting team will also be in that day to ensure lighting is set up and complete. On transmission day, everyone should be in for 9am so we can rehearse for half 9 and keep going till lunch time. All crew should be in black except directors  and everyone should have a final copy of the script ready to use.

After this final meeting I feel we are ready as a team and are prepared for the transmission date. All Pre production is complete apart from a few very small things and everyone is aware of the schedule and what is expected of them.

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