Thursday 14 February 2019

Major Project Production Unit - Bradbourne House/ London Call Sheets and Schedules

Since I know I am definitely going to be shooting at Bradbourne House and London, I felt it would be important to do the call sheets and send them out to the cast and crew so they knew what they were doing. I had already created a rough version of the call sheets in the pre production unit so I worked off of this as a base. Starting with Bradbourne House, I corrected all of the right dates to when we was actually filming and made sure all of the crews names were on there. I left myself and Andreya's numbers on there to make sure people could contact us if they had any problems.

After the location recce at Bradbourne House I knew there were no bathrooms and bedrooms so these scenes would have to be shot somewhere else. When referring to the location breakdown that I had done on the script, it was easy for me to see what scenes would need to be shot. I put this into a schedule at the end of the call sheet so everyone could see how the day would run. I like to do this as it has helped me in past units to ensure I run on time and I do not get to the end of the day having no time to film scenes.

Once this call sheet was done, I applied all the same to Londo. When all of this was complete I sent them over to the cast and crew to ensure everyone was on the same page with everything. You can see the call sheets/ Schedules below:

Bradbourne House:

London Piccadilly: 

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