Thursday 7 February 2019

Major Project Production Unit - Location Recce: Bradbourne House

Since Leeds Castle was not quite what I was looking for in terms of interior shots, I decided to have another look online. I came across a location called Bradbourne House which is located in the area of East Malling in Kent. Being close to where I am based is another great attraction for me as it means driving there on a shoot day would make everything easier. I emailed them about the location and I received a reply which you can see below:

I am very happy the fact they came back with a price that was a lot cheaper that what I had asked for but I still had only seen pictures online and would have liked to have seen the place in person to get a real sense of whether it would be suitable or not. I asked Rebecca if myself and Andreya could have a look around which she agreed to:

From this, myself andAndreya went to have a look around the property. You can see some images that we took below: 

I absolutely love the property and feel it would be a great match for the film with the actress walking in long elegant rooms. I still need to ensure a bathroom, bedroom and living room can be found but this property will be a great addition to the shoot adding certain shots for what I need. The exterior is also perfect for the type of house we are looking to portray the character living in. Its grand and big with a lot of character. 

I also felt the rooms colours were great too. The pale blue walls in the main room with the brown floor really complimented each other and I felt would look great on camera. The brown piano room was completely covered in oak with 2 circular windows giving a completely different but still very aesthetic look which would look great. Then you had the drawing room with its large windows and chandeliers which again looked different but gave a sense of grandness. Overall I really feel this property will work well and give the look I am envisioning. I will need to look for another property to film the scenes in the bathroom, bedroom, dinning room and living room ensuring it matches this one but I feel this is a great start and we can get a lot of the scenes done here. I will be emailing Rebecca back to take the offer for using this property for our film. 

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