Monday 11 February 2019

Major Project Production Unit - Updated Production Schedule

After breaking the script down I was able to produce a more detailed production schedule to help organise the shoot week. I decided to carry out some more research as my production schedules were something that I wanted to improve. I had a look at some articles online to gain more insight and used some images that helped me understand. You can see some of these images below:

Something I noticed about these were that they all used colour coding. Another thing I noticed was that they would use colour codes information down the side and then a chart that spans horizontally giving a really clear visual image. I felt that this is something that could be really useful for me and for when the shoot week comes helping to be organised in an effective way. I had a go at my own production schedule tweaking what I had looked at to benefit me in terms of scenes and when to shoot them.  

 I have put the locations and dates along the side and then times along the top. I then colour coded the day with purple for hair and makeup, red for filming, blue for travel and orange for lunch. inside the coloured boxes i then put what we are shooting, where, the time and the page numbers from the script. I feel this has improved a lot from my previous shooting schedule and is a lot clearer.

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