Thursday 14 February 2019

Major Project Production Unit - Confirming With Bradbourne House

After knowing that this location would be great to film at, I decided to contact Rebecca from Bradbourne house to let her know that we wanted to go ahead. Although she originally said £150, I am very aware that we are on a really tight budget so I spoke to her on the phone about the possibility of dropping the price. I explained our situation and that we really like the property but it would really help us out if it could be a little bit cheaper. She spoke to her manager and they both agreed they could drop the price to £100 for us rather than £150. The extra £50 could really benefit us in other costs in the project so I am really happy about this and was grateful they did that for us. 

After agreeing to the price and the date I confirmed with them that I was happy to go ahead. Rebecca sent over a contract to sign which I did as well as pay the required fee to their company. You can see a copy of the signed contract below: 

After this was complete I was happy that we were booked in for that day and I let all the cast and crew know that this was 100% the day we were filming on and where it was. I had already asked cast and crew to keep that week free so that there would be no issues with availability or conflicts of scheduling. 

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