Tuesday 6 November 2018

Pre Production Unit - Costume Planning

As I have realised that costume is really important to a production through various research that I have mentioned in previous posts. I decided that I really wanted to make sure I had planned this so I decided to plan out some looks that I feel would really suit the main character. After looking through a lot of images, I finally found 6 looks that I felt I could work with. You can see the images below a long with why I chose them:

Look One

Look Two

Look Three

Look Four

Look Five

Look Six

Look One
I decided this would look great as the opening look. Its stylish and classy but at the same time it doesnt give too much away. I wanted the film to open with a woman who looks like shes rich so it matches the poem but I didnt want to go too over the top at this stage as I feel thats something I can slowly introduce as the story goes on. She wears a white blouse, tight leather jeans, high court heels and large sunglasses. I really like this look as its introducing the understated version of her. 

Look Two
The second look does the polar opposite of what the first look does. As the story gets underway and we realise what the story is about we then flip from this stylish yet simple look to an overstated and glamorous outfit that shows a sense of fashion and wealth. I chose a silky dark dress underneath a big fur coat and some fashionable sunglasses with a large jewled necklace as accessories. Since she will be shopping in this scene I think it needed to be striking from head to toe. 

Look Three
This is one of the most visual looks out of all 6 outfits. There is a ball gown scene that i have pictured around half way through the film where the character walks through piccadilly circus. I want this to be bold and striking so that is why I was inspired by this image. Its elegant and fits exactly the description I had of it in my head. 

Look Four
The fourth look is what I imagined for the garden scene where she is walking around amongst the flowers. I feel that white would be the best colour for this part as it will make all the colours of the green grass and the colourful flowers really stand out against it. It also shows a more innocent and softer side to the character. 

Look Five
This look will be for when she is sitting at home in the living room. I feel that her normal attire when lounging at home wouldnt be jeans and a top, it would still be dressed up and fancy but not completely over the top like look two and look three. I felt a jumpsuit would be a good outfit as they are very popular at the moment and its a type of outfit we haven't seen yet. 

Look Six
The final look I have thought about is the gold dress. I have chosen this for the nightclub scene as I feel it represents her well for what sort of thing she would wear. In a night club you wouldnt wear a ball gown but she still wants to look fancy and like shes going out to have a good time so thats why I went with the gold sequine dress. 

I feel I have a mixture of some classy outfits and some that are quite over the top but in a really glamourous way. Each look has its purpose to why I have chosen them and I feel they will bring the character to life and represent her personality well at each stage of the film. 

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