Friday 16 November 2018

Pre Production Unit - Budget Sheet

Through research I felt it was really important to create a budget sheet that was going to reflect our shoot well. I started by looking up a few examples online of how a budget sheet is created making sure mine will look proffessional and would contain all the relevant information. I found a few articles that explained I needed to break it down into catergories. This will make it easier to read and allows you to seperate where the money is going. You can see a few examples below:

I decided I wanted to go further and really break it down even more. I wrote up all of the things that I knew we would need to budget for and put it into a spreadsheet. I also added formulars to make sure as I was updating things along the way it would update itself making things accurate. You can see an example of the budget sheet I have created and what I have managed to do below:

As you can see I've split it into categories starting with travel expenses. This I based off how many people would be traveling with me in the car and how many people are getting the train. I worked out the train costs and added that into the sheet followed by the number of days they would be working on the shoot, how much it costs per day and the total cost per shoot. I lastly added a reciept column so we could keep track of the reciepts we have gained and whos paid for it. This format is the same for each one like food, equipment rental and location fees. The one thats slightly different is costume, props and micellaneous. I wanted to make sure on this table we had an item column and a company column so I could keep track what the item was and where it was from. There is also a delivery cost that I have factored in aswell. Finally I added a total costs section at the bottom which is all formulated with each table so that I can see how much we are up to on each section as well as an overall total thats displayed lastly on the sheet. Overall I am very pleased with this budget sheet. Its really easy to read, its useful and has helped me to calculate everything in a really organised and proffesional way.

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