Monday 19 March 2018

Transitions Unit - Initial Ideas

After we figured out the roles that we wanted to focus on, myself and Drey sat down to talk about a few ideas that we had. We decided that we wanted to do something in terms of drama and create something thrilling to watch. Our first thought was the hit US show American Horror Story. I first presented the idea to Drey and we both loved the style in which American Horror Story portrays. My first thought was a scene from Season 2 Episode 2 where the protagonists attempt to escape the mental institution that they had been wrongly placed in. The visual imagery was beautiful and I liked the way it was shot.

From a directors point of view, I already loved the shots and the aesthetic that American Horror Story already has and I wanted this to inspire my directing rather than recreate the scene. We also both said in order to do the scene justice it may prove difficult to get the right location on a tight budget so we feel this idea will not be feasible.

We then looked into the idea of doing a music video but instead of a slick, pop, heavily choreographed video, we would stick to something that has a narrative and drama to it. My first thought was a song called Sacrilege by The Yeah Yeah Yeah's. The video has a great story that lays over the music and shows a really interesting narrative that's gripping to watch. The thing I love most about this is the shots that are used and the way the short video is edited together. Its played backward to heighten reveals all the way through so we start as a viewer at the end and work our way to the first scene.

The music video can be seen here: 

We really like this idea and will present this to Simon for our one to one feedback.

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