Friday 23 March 2018

As Live Production Unit - Production Meeting Five: Last Pre Production Progress Update

On this meeting it was our last chance to discuss any concerns about anything to do with pre production work for the show as we would only have one more meeting 2 days before the show to discuss schedules. With the VT's all groups are at a stage where they have filmed. 2 VTs are already fine cut and are ready for transmission with 2 more still waiting to be cut. This puts us in a good position to use them in rehearsals and practice. We discussed music with Andrew as I want music for the catwalk and stings, he explained he had some samples he was working on and we both agreed to sit down together after the meeting and go through them.

With the promo team we are at a relatively good stance but there are some pick ups that need to be done with some of the footage, they are currently organising a reshoot date. Audience numbers are currently at 61 out of 100 so tickets are selling well. In terms of a brief schedule, the set will be picked up on the 17th and rigged on the 18th ready for the show on the 19th to be transmissioned. For behind the scenes they will have access to the UCA's official instagram/ snapchat page to post on the day. 2 in ear mics will also be delivered for the presenters to use so I can talk to them in the gallery.

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