Wednesday 14 March 2018

Transitions Unit - Briefing

Unfortunately, I was not there for the briefing as I was away at a family event but I did make sure I went through the handbook and looked at notes that a class member had made for me. I broke it down into a simple structure so that I could understand the unit thoroughly as to what is expected of me. Below is the document that I produced:

From this, me and Drey decided that we wanted to work together on this project and build on the work we had done in the past. We discussed what eachother would like to do, I said about being director as this is something I am considering for my third year project and Drey liked the idea of being a D.O.P. We both decided that these are the roles we are going to take. From this we are going to sit together and come up with some ideas for a scene we would like to work on.

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