Tuesday 14 November 2017

Fiction Adaptation Unit - Montage (Workshop)

Today we learnt about what a montage is and how it is incorporated into film and editing. This is where when 2 or more shots are cut together it can portray meaning due to what is being displayed and the pace that is being set. There are 5 different types of montage. These are:

Intellectual Montage: Adding 2 cuts together that are not related at all to create a new third meaning for example a mans face and then a bowl of soup cut together creates the third meaning of hunger.

Tonal Montage: Different tonal scenes that are connected together by a different image or meaning. An example of this could be when someone is about to get a punch to the face and then it cuts to a new image of toast popping up from the toaster.

Metric Montage: This is cut with a certain duration. Each clip has the same amount of time when cut between them like a metronome. So each clip would be cut every 3 seconds for example.

Rhythmic Montage: Cutting with a purpose of what we hear for example the clips may change in contrast to the music or sound effects.

Overtone Montage: This is a combination of A Tonal, Rhythmic and Metric Montage simultaneously. The video will use all of them one after the other to create a varied effect.

I had a go at making my own montage and I decided to experiment with rhythmic and metric making all the clips the same length whilst cutting in time to the drums in the background. You can view this below:

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