Monday 6 November 2017

Fiction Adaptation Unit - Casting

I wanted to cast someone that would have the ability to play my character comfortably and strongly so I looked on the website (originally Casting Call Pro) and posted an advert of what the project is about and what I am looking for in terms of content and character. This is the advert below:

From posted to closing date I received 10 applications altogether to which I then scrolled through each of them and looked at their headshots, relevant experience and their showreels. Not everyone had a showreel so I did email the applicants who didn't and asked to see further work so I could see their acting skills and learn more about them as professional actors. Once going through them all I whittled it down to the best 3 that I liked and produced a short and easy to read casting document for each one. You can view these below: 

When Looking at these profiles I could see the plus and minuses of what I thought for each one and I was able to lay them next to each other and compare more easily. After a long and hard decision as well as further communication between them all, I decided to cast Rebecca and emailed her saying I would be happy for her to take the role. She accepted and she will be on shoot with us as the lead actress when we film. 

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