Monday 16 January 2017

Directions Unit - Testing my Ideas

Today I showed a group of people at the university my ideas for the production I am planning to shoot. I explained who the director was and the history of his work and credits. This gave the group an idea of who he was at what sort of films he had produced. I then explained the style and trade marks he has including his common theme of a disfunctional family and his dream like cinematography.

After the group had a good idea of my director and the way he films, I showed them a compilation of clips that I am looking to recreate. This went down very well as they said there is a good balance between dialogue and visionary scenes as well as strong and compeling content.

Although the group felt this would be a great idea they were all in agreement that this would need to be done sensitivly and as proffesionally as posible to make it work. I have taken these comments on board and I will ensure I cast the right actors in order for the production to carry through at its best. Although the seen is mature and strong I believe with the right camera directions, casting and editing (particularly with the non diegetic audio) I can produce this project effectivly.

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