Thursday 26 January 2017

Directions Unit - Steve Finn - Directing workshops

Over the past few weeks we have been working with Television director Steve Finn to understand more about directing. The main thing he taught us about was blocking. This was very interesting for me as I have never realised the art and process of actually blocking a scene.

Through several workshops we were asked to read a script. From this we looked and planned on how to block the screen with the use of people on the course and props. I had a scene where it was at a dinner party and an argument was happening between two women in the kitchen. I decided to make it more interesting than two people just standing having an argument by using props for example one person was setting up the table and was putting things away in the fridge whilst talking. I also looked at the position of the people and as got them to move around the scene rather than staying in one place.

I have learnt a lot from these workshops and will take this on board when shooting my own production.

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