Wednesday 30 November 2016

Storytelling Unit - Opening 2 Minutes Of My Short Film - The Affair

Below is the opening 2 minutes of the short film I created called 'The Affair': 

I am very pleased with what I have managed to achieve in the way of how it looks and the editing of it although I did have some Issues with it. I managed to get a lot of coverage so I was spoilt for choice when It came to editing but some of the vital shots were blurred and speckled when it comes to the park conversation scene. I had to use them in order for the story to flow but In future productions I will check footage as I go along and make sure I communicate before every shot to make sure that its in focus and that the lens is clean. 

Although I white balanced before every shot some of the hues were to warm creating an orange glow in the bedroom. I used colour correction tools and Lumetri scopes in order to balance the colour out making it consistent all the way through. Also the scene where Harriet is sitting on the sofa the lens made everything into a curve stretch. I resolved this by using a lens correction tool to pull it into perspective and straighten it out. 

I'm happy with how the films turned out and I'm pleased with how the process went. 

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