Friday 30 September 2016

Storytelling Unit - Pitch Feedback

Today I presented my pitch to the class. I was told that my ideas were good and the story had legs to go with so I will move forward with this however there were a few things that I needed to build upon. My idea was that the female protagonist would bump into the lover in a coffee shop. This was said to be cliché and not very original so I will develop my idea's in making sure they meet differently.

When looking at the character's there was a good point someone made that Harriet seems to contradict herself quiet a lot with her character traits of being strong and weak but I wanted her to have many levels. When writing my script I want to make sure I am creating a strong person and her weaknesses are displayed when relevant.

The session was very helpful to me as it gives an outside opinion of what works and what doesn't and helps me to develop my story into something stronger than what I originally had. I will take all comments on board when it comes to writing my screenplay.

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