Sunday 28 January 2018

As Live Production Unit - Production Meeting One: The Commissioned Show

The show that was commissioned for this unit was an idea thought up by Katie Joslin and Mellisa Moore on the course. We had a production meeting with the whole class where they displayed there powerpoint that they used in their original pitch and explained to us what the show is about.

The show is called 'Steal The Style' and focuses on a live presenter lead show exploring the different elements of fashion which is often overlooked by the mainstream media. The show has four segments and will introduce guests throughout that are relevant to each topic.

These segments are:

Trends Of The Week - Discussing the most popular trends
Not On The High Street - A section focusing on independent stores
Very Vintage - Focuses on vintage clothes and markets with facts and tips
Digging Through The Wardrobe - Going through a guests wardrobe to find clothes and key pieces

They explained that the shows target audience will be E4 and will target ages 16 to working age. The shows format will be a live chat show style with 4 VT's that will be incorporated to give expert knowledge and interesting information at different locations.

There was also a rough set design they produced giving an overall vibe and tone of the show.

Set design:

Overall the meeting was very informative and I feel excited to see what I can bring to what has already been established. The task was set at the end of the meeting to do more research into fashion, research our own roles and to brainstorm some ideas on adding to it.

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