Saturday 27 January 2018

As Live Production Unit - Job Roles

As we were not picked for our idea we then had to go for a job to be part of the production. These ranged from vision mixer to camera operator and VT operators. I went for the role of director to be directing the show when its live. Although this is a very important role I feel I will be able to do a good job with this as I am calm under pressure and through previous projects I have shown I can direct a crew and a production well.

I researched what it involves to be a director on a live TV production and looked at all the things that I would have to do. I decided that this is the role I will be going for in my interview and have production manager as my second choice. 

I went for the interview which went really well and explained all my reasons for why I feel I would be good at this role mentioning my past history with projects and where I wanted to go in the future. It was eventually revealed that I was chosen to be the director on the first half of the show as well as Gavin directing the second half. I am very pleased I got this role and will continue to research and attend work shops to make sure I am as prepared as I can be for the day we transmission live. 

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