Monday 15 January 2018

As Live Production Unit - Final Idea

We have really struggled to come up with an idea that we are all happy with and would be excited to pitch but over the last couple of days we have settled on something that we all feel has its uniqueness and is interesting for viewers. We have come up with the working title 'Prove them wrong' which explores gender stereotype issues. We broke it down into 5 rounds that would all be based upon a well known stereotype and give the contestants a chance to "prove them wrong".

Once we had got our idea we thought it was important to develop the rounds and how they would all work. The rounds were:

Girls Cant Throw

Boys Cant Apply Make-up

Boys Are Better at Maths

Girls Are Better at Multi-tasking

Final General Knowledge Round

The rounds are a mixture of physical and mental to give variety for the viewers but to also give participation. Girls Cant Throw, Boys Cant Apply Make-up and Girls Are Better at Multi-tasking are all physical rounds for the viewers enjoyment of watching and Boys Are Better at Maths and the final round are both mental challenges that viewers can have a go with themselves.

Once the rounds were sorted we could then develop the show as a whole exploring structure, camera plans, lighting plans, set design, zoning and running orders. We created a booklet of all the paperwork we produced as a group which you can view below.

Title Page

 Set Design

Zone Running Order
Show Running Order

VT Description

Camera Plan

Lighting Plan

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