Wednesday 22 March 2017

Documentary Unit - Presentation

Today we gave a presentation to Helen and Zoe outlining the document and our ideas for our documentary.

We first told our short pitch following with a brief synopsis of what we were setting out to achieve. This gave a basic overview of the project and what the story is. We then explained why we were choosing this story showing facts and statistics, structure, characters and location. Below is a few slides:

Overall we gave a very strong and well researched presentation showing a clear direction on what we wanted to produced although there were some complications. Unfortunatly another group had an almost identical idea in terms of story and content so it was important to acknowledge if we went ahead with our idea there were going to be two pieces very similar. After feedback from Helen and Zoe about other posibilities to explore, we have decided as a group to move to a different angle and adjust our idea to make it different enough so the projects are not the same.

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