Thursday 9 March 2017

Documentary Unit - Factual Programming

Today I learnt about factuality. Its the over arching term for non - fiction programming and filmmaking. With a lot of different genres and formats, although they share conventions in some ways they often each have there own.

Even though documentary is commonly classed as non fiction it is still construted to some degree. This can cause controversy as the more constructed the film seems, the more problems can be created in the way of being fake and bias.

Some Factual genres:

Current Affairs - often reporter led and deal with weighty subjects with a harder news edge. its usually less character based and more actuality not having as much weight on the story.

Educational - e.g. science or history

Reflexive Documentaries - 'fly in the ointment documentaries' that allow the reporter to be very involved in what they are doing.

Reality TV - for example big brother looking at unadulterated observation

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