Saturday 2 December 2017

Fiction Adaptation Unit - Final Locations

After researching more and visualizing what would be Ideal for my shoot, I have decided that the final locations would be Soho in London and my house. I ruled out the beach scenery idea as I feel I wanted to take the film to a more urban style and give the streets of London its primary location. I feel this would work well with an exotic dancer and fits more with the story I am trying to portray.

Soho was the immediate choice as there are lots of adult neon signs there that I could capture and work with when it comes to editing. There are also lots of urban streets and alley ways that the character can walk down to further establish herself.

Unfortunately I could not secure a gentleman's club to further establish the role of what my characters profession is so Im going to have to reinforce this in a different way. I decided that my living room against a white wall would work well if I could get the actress to dance as well as lots of colorful flashing lights. When she is in her costume I feel the audience will be able to make the link of what she is doing. 

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