Tuesday 25 April 2017

Documentary Unit - Presenter Research

As I am going to be a presenter I wanted to do some research so that when it came to it, I could look as natural as possible. I was looking on a national career service website that explained the key skills to presenting:

From this I have taken it into account and I will practice learning scripts and keeping calm under pressure when the camera records, especially pieces to camera.

I also watched a video on youtube that helped me to understand how to make my presenting seem more established by anchoring myself, trying to keep my eyes on the lense for as much as possible and talking as if I'm reaching one person. The video can be viewed below.

The other video I looked at taught me to introduce myself and really let my personallity shine through. I need to seem human to viewers and not robotic or static. 

I have learnt alot from the videos and tips from websites that I will take on board when it comes to presenting the documentary. 

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