Saturday 29 April 2017

Directions Unit - Editing Research

As I am going to be the main editor for the project I wanted to look into some research to help strengthen my skills. I wanted to learn about adjusting sound as this is one of the things I feel I'm weak at when editing.  I found a great page on at this link: that helped me to understand some basic things to help me.

I learnt some really interesting points that will come useful for when I edit. This includes how to sync  offline devices, syncing sound together and a few basic effects you can overlay to make it flow better.

I also looked at the help site for adobe that can be found on the link here: . This allowed me to expand my editing skills looking at keyboard shortcuts, turning the FX on and off and using Lumetri scopes to the best of their advantage.

I know the documentary is going to involve a lot of cut aways with many GV's being used so I wanted to make sure my knowledge of editing these would be up to scratch. I watched this video on youtube that can be viewed below that really helped me understand cut aways in depth.

This video gave me an understanding of how cut aways work and where they are best positioned in order to help the video flow. I have learnt a lot from this and will put it into practice when it comes to editing the documentary. 

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