Tuesday 25 April 2017

Documentary Unit - Fear Pitch Document & Presenter Casting

After brainstorming and coming up with ideas for the new documentary, we have come up with a pitch document to help us understand and organise what we are proposing to do. It contains a synopsis, why we are doing this story, characters and the treatment.

We were thinking about presenters and decided to pick a member of our group to lead the documentary. We thought this was best due to time, money and with them being comfortable doing the extreme activities. After a long discussion we decided that I would present to the camera. I have created vlogs in the past and feel comfortable in front of the camera. The group also said my personality would be good for the documentary and that I come across likeable allowing the audience to align with me. I feel happy doing this for the group and taking on the extra work of presenting as well as being part of production.

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