Thursday 8 February 2018

As Live Production Unit - Scripting

As I am directing the project, some of my important work will be scripting. As the lecture explained today I learnt how to write a script that works for a live production. Rather than focusing on the words of what the show will involve, it was very important for me to see how it works with different camera shots and cuts. Below you can see an example of a shooting script:

As you can see it is layed out in two columns. The left side has the details of what camera it is on as well as direction of what type of shot it is. There is also "as dir." which means as directed meaning it will be shown how to do by the directors. On the right is the words to what is being said on screen. This allows everyone to follow where we are in the show as well as knowing when to change the camera shot. 

I will be making several drafts of this as well as a final copy for when it comes to the live show. 

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