Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Major Project Production Unit - Location Recce: The Who'd A Thought It

At Stonewall Park, we shot a scene were Lorna is killed with the iron and the dialogue scene towards the end of the scene. We had some camera issues here and the shots did not turn out as I had hoped for. There was grain and the audio did not sound great. I felt in order to keep the standard up with the rest of the film, it is really important that we redo this scene. I was not happy with the decor of the bedroom at Stonewall park either so I felt it was important that we shot somewhere that was glamours and would tie in with the elegant theme of the film and what I feel Lorna's bedroom would look like.

I began to research online and look at places in Kent that could convey this look as well as matching the other locations we filmed at to ensure it all looks like one place. I emailed Chilston park hotel, Barham Court and a few other places but no one was getting back to me. I suddenly remembered that there was a place called 'The Who'd A Thought It' that I had heard about and had seen on TV and was known for being extravagant and luxurious looking. I looked on their website and some of the rooms I felt would be perfect for what I am trying to achieve. I sent the owner an email to which he replied with interest in helping us and to give him a call. I phoned him and explained what we was filming and what we needed it for. I explained we were students on a very tight budget to which he said he would do it for free. I then asked if I could come and have a look at the place which he agreed to go and see later on that afternoon.

Myself and Andrea arrived and met the owner as she showed us around the suites he could offer us. The first one was called The Ace Of Spades Suite. This room was a lovely size but was really dark which I feel would be a problem for us to work with lighting issues. The room was also a little too much and I feel would not fit in with the other places we had filmed at. There were also a lot of mirrors which could complicate things with the scene we were trying to film. 

The next room we looked at was the Coliseum Suite. This room was brighter and more colourful but was really over the top for the style we was going for. Although I want it to be luxurious and grand, this room felt a little bit too much and would not connect with the other scenes well. I also feel that Lorna's bedroom would not look in this way and she wouldn't choose the decor. There was also a huge picture of the Rome Coliseum which wouldn't have looked right. 

We were finally shown a room called The Roederer Cristal Suite. This room was perfect and I felt would really work with the film. It had a glamours decor but was a lot more understated than the other rooms. The room had a lot of space which would work for me blocking wise as well as neutral colours that would match the other locations. It also had a large chandelier in the middle which added a nice touch. 

After speaking with the owner Joe, I have decided to go with the Cristal suite as I feel it fits the film best. Although its subject to availability being allowed to film in there as long as its not booked out, I feel this room will work really well. 

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