Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Major Project Production Unit - Music Selection

As this project is very visual, I knew from doing previous research that music was going to be a really important part of this piece. I understand that the music will really drive the narrative forward and really compliment the tone and style of the film. For me, the music had to marry the film perfectly so I put a lot of hours into finding the right pieces. I looked at royalty free tracks on youtube and found a few that I felt would fit well. You can view a few here:

Piece One:

Piece Two:

Piece Three:

Piece Four: 

Piece one I feel would fit well on the Piccadilly scene. It creates a real atmosphere creating intrigue and mystery. I also feel it throws a moody tone over the whole scene making it really stand out and grab the viewers attention. Piece two is a lot more dramatic, this I feel would be great for a tension scene maybe towards the end as the music builds a lot. Piece three is a more ominous and slower track. It has tones of mystery again but its less aggressive than the other two. I feel this could really compliment the other two tracks but still give the style that I want for the film. Finally, there is piece four which is a slow building track. This one is another tense track but it has a great slow build and is less dramatic allowing me to really add slow tension to a scene. I can see this overlayed on the scene where she kills Lorna the first time around. 

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