Monday, 22 October 2018

Pre Production Unit - Making Call Sheets

As part of pre production, I decided that making call sheets would be a really good idea as it helps to see the over view of the day and what is required on each day. Although these are generally done a bit nearer the time and would be distributed to each member of crew, I felt it was important to get them done based on the knowledge I know now as once I have them I can then adapt them as the shoot days change but the main bulk would be prepared and complete. I first of all wanted to look at some professional call sheets from other productions in the professional industry. When I looked at them they were very detailed and had a lot more information on them than I expected. You can see an example of a couple below:

From this I decided that I would try and make my own one with my production and you can see a couple of examples of the call sheets I have made below:

As you can see I have added the schedule number and date at the top. This is then followed by the crew information listed below. On the right hand side is the call time followed by when breaks will be through the day. Underneath all this information is a schedule break down for the day. It is in two columns as the left shows the time and the right shows the action required at that time and the scene we will be doing. I feel these call sheets will be very helpful in production as everyone knows whats going on and can see how the day will unfold. I'm glad I've made these call sheets and will be using them on shoot days. 

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