Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Pre Production Unit - Briefing & Project Overview

Key Important Tips 

Research - It is vital that research is carried out throughout the project. In order to create a high class of work the research is key for development and to educate the topic(s) of choice.

Workflow & Time Management - Be independent although tutorial support is scheduled, the rest of the time is planned by myself. A timetable should be drawn up with research and scheduling done efficiently at an advanced level.

The Brief

The aim of the unit is to produce a detailed pre-production package for an original production choosing between either a professional pre-production package or a major project pre-production package.

Professional Pre Production:
This is a large scale idea that is aimed at competing with what currently exists on the television. It will be a package that communicates the idea to a potential broadcast commissioner although the production will not be made. It should be focused on your own interests and can contain elements such as a pitch, script, casting, production design and trailer.

Major Project Film Pre Production:
This is a pre-production package that you will take forward to actually producing as your final film. It may seem easier as it will be planing for the final film but this option should feature heavy detail.  Elements will include research, synopsis, a treatment etc.

All Units are open to external collaboration in regards to:
Production Design
Costume Design
Special FX

After having this brief I have decided to pair up with Drey who I have been working with in previous projects. We work well together and are always happy with our work ethic and final delivery of a unit. We have both decided from this lecture to move forward with the Major Project package which we are looking to take into production after Christmas.

The Pre Production package will include many important factors listed below:

The Idea
Test Scenes
Storyboards and Mood Boards
Production Schedule
Marketing & Branding
Production Company Details

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