Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Transitions Unit - Shotlist

As Director I wanted to make sure I had a good shot list as this would enable to guide me through the shoot days making sure I have every shot and what type of shot I am aiming for. You can see the shot list I produced below:

As you can see I made 5 columns that were clear and easy to read. I started with the scene number on the left hand side so when I looked at it I could quickly jump to the scene I was on. I then had a list of shot numbers for the same principle of the scene number allowing me to quickly explain what shot we are going to be shooting. This is followed by the location. It was important to have this so I can see at a glance where the scene was being filmed. 

I included a shot type/ direction column as this allowed me to visualise how I wanted the shot framed i.e. E.C.U. and M.S. I also gave direction in this column as I am going to be switching from the track and dolly, tripod and drone so its handy for me to explain what movement I need. I lastly added a comments section that explained what was happening in the scene. This also will allow me to visualise exactly what is happening in terms of the acting and the type of build around the shot. 

Overall I'm very happy with this shot list and it will become very handy when it comes to shooting. 

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