Sunday, 11 February 2018

As Live Production Unit - Mock Blocking Plan

As I am the director for the show, one of the most important things I have to do for pre-production is blocking. This is making sure I know where the presenters, contributors and models know are standing at exactly what point in the show. We decided as a group to plan out the introduction and the 1st section of the show as it was quite complicated so this would be good to practice. Although we will be using 5+ cameras for the real show, for the purposes of this mock up I am going to be practicing with 3 and decided to merge the camera plan in with the blocking.

Based on my research so far I understand this is a very important part of being a multi - camera director so I felt it would be great to do the run through to see what level I was at. First of all I had a look at the set design that was created by the producers to get an idea of how the set was going to be. I printed several copies of this and labeled the cameras on the first page 1, 2 and 3. Every time the cameras moved I would create a new page labelling the cameras in their new relocated position.

Along side this I looked at the running order and created a table that explains the scene, what camera the shot would be on, the type of shot, how long each shot is, where the people are in the scene and finally the page number of the set designs so that when referring to the camera plan you can see where the cameras are. There are also camera movements in the descriptions which I highlighted in a different colour and put them in bold so they are easily noticed. I will print a copy of the camera plan and the blocking/ shooting script for each crew member so when it comes to filming it they will know what to do at each point.

You can view these documents below:

Camera Plan:

Blocking/ Shooting Script:

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