Blind date is a popular entertainment programme that originally aired in 1985 and was hosted by Cilla Black. The show ran for 18 years and was hugely popular hitting its highest rating of 18.2 million viewers. The show was so popular it featured celebrity special episodes and a sketch for comic relief in 1993. Due to the show becoming very familiar and repetitive, the viewing ratings slowly declined over the years and the last show aired in 2003 with 2.9 million viewers.
The show contains 3 contestants who are behind a screen either male or female. A person who is looking for a date then sits on the other side of the screen and asks questions to the contestants on the other side finding out facts about them. The single contestant cannot see the other 3 contestants hence the name of the show 'Blind Date'. Once all 3 questions had been asked and answers. The single contestant can finally choose whether he /she wants contestant 1, 2 or 3 to go on a date with. When picked he or she sees who she could of had before the remaining contestant stands behind the screen and they are revealed. The contestants leave the studio together and go on a date that is seen on the following weeks show. This is repeated several times in one episode usually changing the genders.
In 2017 the show was commissioned to re air from ITV to Channel 5. After Cilla's passing, Paul O' Grady was to host the new show in her place and the show would go through the same format as the original. The set was revamped for a more modern look and the logo and branding was also changed to fit in with the current times.
Set Layout
The set is formed into 3 zones. This consists of an area where the single contestant sits and the presenter stands as well an area behind the screen where the other 3 contestants are sitting. The third zone is a hard area with stairs where the presenter walks out and can stand to do pieces to camera. I like the idea of having different zones that can be used at different points of the show. Rather than being all in one area, it gives more variety and adds more excitement into the way the show is viewed. The show received mainly positive reviews and is commissioned for a second series.
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