Friday, 12 May 2017

Documentary Unit - Testing Ideas

In order for our shoot days to go smoothly, our group did as much as possible to test things out before we shot on the camera. Due to the little time we had and shooting in places that required a one time entry, a lot of it had to be done quickly on the day. Examples of this would be at Thorpe Park, The Tombs and The Skydive. They are all a fair distance to travel and had ranging from £50 to £100 not including travel so we had to do a few test shots when we arrived on the day. 

A thing we could plan for well was the interview with Jackie. We had set up and arranged the furniture and lighting way before she got to us. We then turned the camera on and made sure what angle looked the best as well as how the light looked. We then put tape down on the floor so we knew what positions to put the camera in. 

Being an assistant director the crew took pictures of the angles so I could look and review them to agree with Andreya. 

It was great to interview Jackie and all went well through our testing 

When shooting the introduction we wanted to see if the pieces to camera worked so the day before we planned to shoot we tested them to camera. I delivered the pieces to camera as they were on the script and we adjusted it accordingly to make it flow better. 

We also tried it in different locations to see what looked better. 

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