Friday, 20 January 2017

Directions Unit - Lighting Workshop

Today I learnt about how to light a set when shooting a scene. The main focus was about three point lighting and the different types of lights that can be used.

The three point lighting structure is one of the most effective ways to light a set.

As seen from the diagram, the first light you set up is the key light. This is the main focus light that highlights the subject the most. Typically from the front, it lights up the subject in either a soft or a harsh way and is one of the most important things to get right as it defines the tone you are trying to create.

Next is a fill light. This does as the name says and fills in the shadows not covered by the key light. Its often a softer light as otherwise the overall lighting of the set will be saturated and to bright. although it is soft, if it is too dim the key light will make the subject stand out in a dramatic way and is less realistic so its important to get the balance right for the way you are wanting to shoot.

Lastly is the back light. This light points towards the back of the subject to make sure they are not blending in to the background. It can also illuminate there hair and clothes and gives definition in shoulders so that it gives a more realistic approach.

ARRI lighting is the first type of lights that we looked at. These are a great for lighting a set and you can use three of them to create the basic yet effect 3 point lighting structure. They also have 4 shutter panels that can be added to direct the light in certain positions.

The next lights we looked at were LED Panels. These are a great additional light to add to the set. They illuminate the subject but the lights are generally whiter and not as warm as Tungsten lighting. 

Lots of things can be done to add effect to the lighting used. Foam Boards can be used to bounce light off of them creating a softer light onto the subject. It stops the light being so harsh and not as direct. Coloured gels can also be placed over the lights (particularly the ARRI lights) to create different glows and elements of colours. An example would be placing blue gel over the light to create a cooler temperature and orangey yellow will create a warmer temperature. Red, purple, orange, green and other colours can be used to add dramatic effect. 

Scrims are another thing that can be used to change the way the light hits the subject. In front of the bulb there is a slot that the scrim can be placed. We looked at the mesh ones that when put in front of the light it dims it slightly allowing the light to still have power but not as harsh. 

Below is a few Images taken of me when I had a go at 3 point lighting and how it can dramatically change a subject. 

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