Friday, 18 November 2016

Storytelling Unit - Shooting The Affair

Yesterday I spent the whole day shooting the opening 2 minutes for my short screenplay. I had encountered a problem the night before as the actor I had lined up to play the role of Lewis dropped out but after contacting a few more actors I managed to get another in place ready for the shoot the next day.

After sending out all the shooting schedules before hand the crew knew what time we were meeting at the studios and I had arranged to pick up the actors at the train station. Once we were all together and signed the equipment out we headed to the first location which was the Bearsted woodland trust. although this is the second scene I decided we would shoot this first due to the lighting conditions. The shoot went successfully as we finished ahead of schedule and all the team were professional.

In some points we had trouble with the wind which affected the audio but it eventually died down and we were able to shoot scenes fine. There was another problem I hadn't foreseen with the bench I was going to use being near a main road so we had to choose a different bench to cut down on traffic noise. 

Once this was finished we moved onto the second location at my house to work on the other scenes. This was a lot more time consuming than I thought as there was a lot more involved in the way of many different shots and angles I wanted to get to make sure the coverage was sufficient and the story was told in the right way. Although some scenes took a little bit longer to shoot it still finished in time and worked well with the lighting as we were ahead of schedule from the other location. 

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